Fou Furnishings
Simplifying and streamlining the e-commerce experience, completely reimagined from the ground up.

Simplifying and streamlining the e-commerce experience, completely reimagined from the ground up.
Starting Point
Starbit was recommended to Fou Furnishings by their graphic designer, who had worked with them on another digital project. The Fou Furnishings website, as it was in 2014, was built on a free version of the Magento platform, which was due to be retired at the end of the year. The client, having found Magento to be cumbersome and unnecessarily complex, was open to new ideas. Key requirements included integrations for pick, pack and dispatch, a wholesaler section with alternative pricing only available to logged-in wholesale accounts, and an easy to use content management interface.

Starbit completely redesigned the website from scratch, with only the logo remaining untouched. Fou Furnishings had both a loyal customer base and a product offering that easily lent itself to emotive and shareable visuals. It was therefore proposed to add a community section to the side of every page, showcasing some of the best imagery, customer reviews, case studies and social media activity. A visual-led approach was also taken on the homepage, with the use of sumptuous images and a subdued colour palette consistent with the brand and product offering. On the product pages, additional information was assigned to collapsible sections, which kept the main area clutter free and the focus again on the high-quality imagery. The main menu was designed to contain imagery for special promos/highlights and a sticky header was implemented to allow access to contact details, keyword search and account log-in, wherever the user was on a page.

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