Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin
Beautifully simple design meets high quality journalism in online resource with subscription system.

Beautifully simple design meets high quality journalism in online resource with subscription system.
Starting Point
Published since 2010, the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin aims to be the top independent weekly newspaper in the region. As part of this ambition, a digital resource was commissioned to give access to a wider readership. The brief was to provide an uncluttered page layout that would maximise readability across different devices, and allow speedy navigation even on the slowest of connections. The site would provide access to some free content, including a free time limited trial of the full package, but would require a paid subscription for ongoing unrestricted access.

Starbit worked with a talented illustrator on an engaging and playful image to welcome users to the homepage. The style of the illustration, in inky outline with only one highlight colour, informed the stripped back, minimalist aesthetic of the rest of the website. An easy to read serif font was selected for consistency with the logo. The site was built in WordPress with WooCommerce providing the e-commerce element of the subscription functionality. An inclusive archive of thousands of articles written over a period of 10 years is the centrepiece of the website, with the ability to search the archive by topic, country, date, and keyword being of critical importance in allowing the user to find articles relevant to their areas of interest. A sister site, The Silk Road Intelligencer, with a different regional focus was launched in Spring 2020.

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